Friday, November 13, 2009

Turf & Lawn Australia - Answer to Fight Global Warming

Looking after the environment has become a concern for every individual. Most of us will do
everything we can with recycling, water conservation and switching to cleaner energy sources,
but many are unaware just how vital a turf and lawn is to the environment and just how important it is to maintain it.

Jimboomba Turf (stocks a number of green turf and couch solutions for your outdoors area. Whether you’re building, landscaping or want a fresh change, a turfgrass solution is your best choice for doing something for the environment.

Turf behaves much like other plantlife, by reducing carbon saturation in the air we breathe, and
replacing it with clean oxygen. As a matter of fact, an average sized lawn can provide sufficient
oxygen for a family of four – just by being installed.

For more information on Turf, Lawn Australia, Sir Walter Raleigh, Buffalo Grass, Lawn Care Supplies Brisbane visit -

1 comment:

  1. Turf Supplies Sydney is best for Fight Global Warming.
    Thanks a lot for posting this information.
